
All Atlantian Legislative, Executive and Judicial Authority is derived from the Sovereign Citizens of the Empire. These Authorities formally reside in the office of Emperor, and are Constitutionally devolved to the Imperial Senate, the Executive Government and the Judicature respectively.

Legislative Authority

The Empire's bicameral Imperial Senate is the Organ of State to which primary Legislative Authority is devolved.

The active legislative chamber is known as the Concilium. It consists of members known as Consuls, who are elected under a system of proportional representation. General Elections for the Concilium, for which any Citizen may nominate, are held every two years and voting is a Constitutional responsibility of all Citizens.

The chamber of legislative review is known as the Senatus, which is comprised of Senators, two thirds of whom are appointed by the Emperor, and one third of whom are appointed by the Concilium. Senators serve terms concurrent with those of their Conciliar colleagues.

The legislative process may only be instigated within the Concilium, however proposed legislation may be vetoed by the Senatus unless it is first passed with a 75% or greater majority. The Emperor may veto proposed legislation unless it is first passed by 75% or more of the combined Conciliar and Senatorial vote. Proposed legislation which is twice vetoed within a single term of Government, may not be resubmitted to the Concilium until after the next General Election.

Executive Authority

The Executive Government of Atlantium is comprised of the First Consul, the Ministers of State, Finance, Justice, Communications and Social Services and the First Senator.

The First Consul - who is Head of Government - and the Ministers are elected to their posts by the Concilium. The First Senator is appointed annually by the Emperor from the membership of the Senatus.

The Emperor is formally a member of the Executive Government in a permanent moderative capacity. In this capacity he or she may persuade but not compel the other members of the Executive.

Judicial Authority

The Judicial Authority of Atlantium is devolved to a Judicature comprised of the Magisterial Court and the Senatorial Court, the purpose of which - with one significant exception - is to interpret and apply the Laws of the Empire.

The Magisterial Court is divided into Civil and Criminal Divisions. Magisterial Court decisions may be appealed to the Senatorial Court - whose decisions are final. This is comprised of a bench comprised of minimum of three senior Magisters. The Head of the Senatorial Court, and thus the Empire's senior Judicial officer is the Magister Aequitas.

A unique feature of the Atlantian system of government is the Constitutional provision of an avenue for legislative input by Citizens who are not part of the public administration, via the Judicature.

Any Citizen or group of Citizens who wish to propose a legislative programme may, by generating a petition properly endorsed by 75% of the registered population of the Empire, bring an Action to that effect in the Senatorial Court. The Court may reject the Action if it determines that the proposal is at odds with the basic Constitutional principles by which the Empire functions - but otherwise it may direct the First Consul to introduce the proposed legislation into the Concilium for consideration.

Whilst legislation introduced via judicial directive may not be guaranteed passage through the Imperial Senate, it is generally accepted that any Administration rejecting such legislation would place itself at risk of an electoral backlash were it to do so without due consideration for the wishes of the people.

Rule by Decree

The Constitution allows for the assumption by the Emperor of full Legislative, Executive and Judicial authority in the event that the devolved authority normally vested in the Imperial Senate and the Judicature lapses. It is the realisation of this eventuality which today sees the Empire governed by Decree.

It is intended that a General Election to return Atlantium to full representative parliamentary democracy will be conducted subsequent to the introduction of a replacement to the current Provisional Constition.

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